You are probably wondering how to check the earning status of other YouTube channels. The answer is simple: you just have to find out which method is best for you and then use it. There are three ways to check your competitors’ earnings. 

What is the best way to check the earnings of another channel?

You can check the earning status of your competitors and friends. If you are a subscriber, then you can easily know how much money they earn on YouTube by searching the channel name in the YouTube search bar.

But if you don’t have a subscription or watch them regularly, then it’s difficult for most of us to know how much money they make per day or week because we don’t have that information available at hand. So here we will tell you some ways through which we can get that information easily:

  • We can search their name in Google and check the related websites that are available on this search results page. These websites usually display their income and show how much money they make per month or year.
  • You can also visit their social media profiles, like Facebook or Twitter. The information about how much money they earn on YouTube will be available on these platforms as well.

How to check the earnings of your competitors and friends?

You can check the earning status of your competitors and friends through a third-party tool like Google Analytics.

You can also check it through their channel, as long as there is at least one video published on that channel every week. The minimum number of fans has to be 50, with at least 100 likes being required for each video. You must have a minimum of 100 views for your videos to count towards earnings from YouTube revenue-sharing programs such as AdSense or AdWords Video Ads (formerly known as Google Preferred).

You also have to be 18 years or older, and you must live in one of the supported countries.

There are three ways to check the earning status of other YouTube channels.

First, you can check the earning status of your competitors and friends through Google Analytics. To do this, open up a free account at and follow these steps:

Click on “View Reports” in the top right corner; then click on “GA Accounts.” From here, you’ll see all accounts with whom you have a relationship (i.e., those who have uploaded videos). Select one or more accounts and then click on “Show View Report.” This will produce a report showing summary data about how many views each channel had over time, as well as how much money they’ve made from ads placed on their videos and elsewhere online via Google AdSense or elsewhere online via YouTube Partner Program (YPP). You can also see details about which keywords were most popular when someone searched for content related specifically back then based upon keywords associated with those particular individuals’ video titles within Google Search Console results pages themselves!

You can check the earning status of your competitors and friends.

  • Check the earning status of your competitors and friends in a friendly tone.
  • Check the earning status of your competitors and friends in a competitive tone.
  • Check the earning status of your competitors and friends in a neutral tone
  • Check the earning status of your competitors and friends in a hostile tone.

YouTube is the best way to share your videos on the internet and earn money for yourself. If you want to know how much your competitors are earning, then you can use one of these methods.

To grow YouTube earning you should promote your YouTube video from here: